
30 September 2014


People have talked about not understanding the words in the book and asked us for a Glossary. Again, I think they don't realize that with a trilogy, the glossary goes at the end. There will be a glossary added to the last book, but to accommodate those who are interested in learning the words without learning Sanskrit, Hebrew, and Sumerian we will begin to add one here. The way we will do it, is to post a few words here at a time and then form a second page that contains all the words we have added to date. This may take time, so bear with us. Also, the words we add are going to be those for book 1. More words may get added as we progress further into the series.

25 September 2014

Misty Heights

Misty Heights gets little attention in the first book. However, it is a very important part of the second book. There are also some new locations the second book will be visiting. We hope to feature these here shortly.

Misty heights is located in the plateaus south of Habahrem, and it is constantly foggy. Many people who come here are recluses, who have formed a communal village. Most of the people who first migrated to the area were descendants of Abel who were tired of the fighting between the other children of Adam.

The people of Misty heights tend to lean toward seeking inner peace instead of worshiping God. However, they have shrines and burn incense in sacrifice. They also tie flags to ropes surrounding their homes to represent unspoken prayers for others in the community to help praying about.

22 September 2014


Habahrem is the official capital of Razzmada after the Iyr take over. It is located on the edge of Clearwater Lake and is second only to Gahbesh in beauty. Unlike most cities, which house only two Iyr, Habahrem is the seat of Shemihazah, Hermoni, Jeqon, and Ziqiel. One of Cain's sons founded the city and his musical ability was so hypnotic it was thought that Halel (Satan) himself had tutored him.
Even before the angel fall, Habahrem was superior in beauty to the other cities. It's houses are wooden and inlaid with multicolored stones. The flat roofs are in a style that mixes Babylon and ancient Egypt.
The central altar is surrounded by three triangular obelisks.
The major exports of this city are spices, spell scrolls, and musical instruments.
Since most of the first book is centered on Jared and the angels that are rebellious against Shemihazah's rule, very little takes place in this city. However, it will play a major role in future books.

18 September 2014


Shayith is a forest city surrounded by a 30-foot tall thorn bush fence. This fence is alive and has three entry gates that are built into it on the north, south, and east sides.

Most of the inhabitants of Shayith live in the trees, but their storage areas are located on the ground in longhouses/ hogans. The trees are connected to each other by walkways and bridges. Although the entire city is very primitive and remains primitive throughout the books, the presence of Arataqoph (one of the angels) gives it a little more sophistication.

Prior to the arrival of the angels, the people of Shayith were recluses. This did not really change much after the angels arrive. They try to keep to themselves and practice a Druid-like religion sometimes venturing out of the Tsane forest and onto the Plains of Perah at night. Their primary products are lumber and medicinal herbs.

Shayith is inhabited by a mixture of Adam's descendants. They tend to dislike strangers, but if a person joins their community and is self-sufficient and does not want to socialize he or she will fit in well and the other citizens will eventually stop giving them dirty looks.

08 September 2014


Although several chapters of the book are set in Heaven, Kesef, Thoheleth, Padooth, and Goalehadam, most of the action of the story takes place in Metsad. It is located in the valley of Zohar in the land of Havilah. It produces iron, gems, weapons, and armor. It  is populated with Cain's descendants and some of Adams descendants that were born after Seth.

The center of Metsad contains the furnaces used for forging weapons and armor. These massive forges bellow smoke constantly. The irony is that although they are constantly making armor and weapons, most of the land is subdued.

Metsad ha three walls. Between the outermost and middle walls are the trade guilds and lower class populations. Some of these homes may be larger, but they are generally multifamily homes. Between the middle wall and innermost walls are the upper classes and the stadium/coliseum.

The innermost wall encloses the priestess training area and dormitories, the palace and the forges. There are also rows of weapons storage buildings, filled with weapons.

Metsad is one of the top tourist cities targeting younger people. This is what allows the spies to sneak into the city unnoticed.

04 September 2014


Shahar is a city in Razmadda (Iyr controlled Eden), which never truly buys into the angels superiority. While other cities fall at the feet of the Iyr, Shahar takes what they have to offer without sacrificing their independent mindset.

Once the angels begin advising the king, Shahar develops into a tiered city. The main level is the level on the ground and it is for the common people. The upper levels contain airship terminals, but they are also the home to the upper classes.

However, Shahar has a dark secret that even the human ruler is unaware about. Shahar has s dungeon (think Escape from NY or LA) that exists under the city. This area is where the garbage of the city is sent along with those who are sentenced to life imprisonment by the Iyr.

Shahar houses a resistance movement. Although these people are united against the Iyr, they are not necessarily believers in the Almighty, like those of Siriad are. They do, however, believe the Iyr should not be in power.

01 September 2014


When the Watchers first land in Eden, they land near Kesef. There arrival causes an unexpected change in leadership that some see as the hand of God intervening in the affairs of men. The first book allows everything to be neat and tidy.

Some people may wonder why we include these details into the first book. We do get to see Barel and some of his interactions later - Barel is the son of Kesef's leader at the time of the angelfall. However, not much is developed with him, with his family, or with Kesef.

We do kind of leave people hanging, but there is a reason for it - in a later book we will return to Kesef to resolve some of the issues that were caused by the angel's arrival. I know, it's tough to have to wait, but in all, The Corruption was a pretty large book - and it is the first of three books and then a second series of many smaller books. Had we just written it all at one time, it would have taken so many pages that no on would have bought it.

Be patient, we are already starting to work on the second book. Soon you will get to see how some of the spare pieces we threw at you in Book 1 fit into the larger picture.