
13 April 2013

Submitting a Novel Part I

With the ease of internet publishing, it can be difficult to get your work published through traditional means. Even ten years ago, finding a publisher or agent was difficult. Now, most want an internet presence before you will even be looked at.

Many people choose to self-publish. Although this is an easy way to get your book out there, it can also kill the market for it. I cannot count how many people who have self-published and then want to know why it is not selling, or how they can increase their market. The biggest problem comes in editing.

Don't get me wrong, even books published through traditional means have seen a decline in editing. The news media is becoming a joke with its poorly edited stories. But I have had people hire me to edit a book that they had already self-published. Frequently, these books contained two or more errors per sentence. And these were works that were not edited for content - only spelling and grammar. Yes, getting your book edited can cost up to $6 per page (more for content editing), but you will end up making a better return in the end.

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