
14 September 2013

Enosh -The Chosen Leader of Siriad

Enosh is the eldest of the leaders within Siriad. He is in charge of the affairs of Padooth, while Javin rules Thoheleth, and Shamgar rules Meshfaht. After the Watchers come and unite the rest of Eden, the three city leaders and the other leaders of the people decide to make Enosh the ruler of all three cities and lands that are associated with them and form a confederation under him. All the other cities of Eden are being persuaded to join the angelic confederation of Razmadda.

Siriad is left alone by the Iyr for a while, but the offer is eventually extended to them. With the new set up of Siriad, the decision to remain apart or join falls solely on Enosh.

Enosh in this novel is considered to be a patient, reserved, and wise person. He understands the relationship between the Almighty and man and wants to preserve that relationship. He has seen how the people of Eden have slowly fallen away from a relationship with the Almighty and tries to curb such an attitude in Siriad, though some of it has already happened. Within this book, Enosh is given a vision that will propel others to discover what the true meaning of the vision is and will uncover the true intent of Eden's new divine patrons. Enosh's patience and willingness to overlook minor indiscretions is also one of his biggest flaws.

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