
12 October 2013

Nachash - The Dragon of the Dudael

Nachash is the mother of all those that are of serpent kind. She is an original animal from the Garden of Eden and the mate to the dragon that deceived Eve. She is a large, long serpent with four powerful legs, feet ending in razor like claws, a long tail that terminates in a cluster of hard sharp spines, and a set of beautiful multi-color feathered wings. He scales are near impenetrable to most common man-made weapons. They are iridescent and change color depending on her mood, light, and surroundings.

She is feared but many but confined to a cursed land known as the Dudael Desert. She chose this fate out of loyalty to her mate. When he was banished, she chose to remain with him in punishment instead of raising her children alone.

Although she can be fierce, she is also very crafty and wise for one not made in the image of God. She particularly possesses a distaste for man and has made her life's goal to hunt men foolish enough to try to create trade routes through her land. Once men wised up and decided a Saggisra confrontation was safer than a confrontation with her, she became nothing more than a legend of great terror used to scare children.

Although she had been mostly forgotten by men, she will soon find a role in helping mankind to resist the heavy hand of the Iyr even if she doesn't know it.

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