
28 November 2014

On Cyber Monday (December 1), all our published e-book titles will be FREE for download on Amazon!

On Cyber Monday (December 1), all our published e-book titles will be FREE for download on Amazon!

Black Friday – Small Business Saturday – Cyber Monday Sale!!!
All paperback/ hardcover titles on our website will be 15% for the sale weekend with discount code. You can also click to order them through CreateSpace and input the CreateSpace code to receive the same discount.

Goodreads Giveaway:

We will be giving away copies of The Corruption and The Essential U.S. Guide to Chemotherapy and Radiation (later) throughout the weekend and in December on Goodreads!

We currently have these books available:
Sal, Captain of the Baby Guards in English , Spanish , and Simplified Chinese : A children’s picture book that deals with the fear of vacuums.
The Inconvenient Widow : A historical inspirational (Christian) romance.
The Corruption : An epic fantasy dealing with the pre-flood period described in Genesis when the angels came down and took human wives.
Cheaper By the Dozen Study Guide: a reproducible workbook for Cheaper By the Dozen that covers language arts topics such as nouns, verbs, synonyms, antonyms, discussion questions, and more.
The Essential Guide to Chemotherapy and Radiation : This book is a non-fiction resource that explains cancer treatments and ways to prevent side effects in an easy-to-understand format. The included Help List is filled with resources for patients and their caregivers. There is both a U.K. version and a U.S. version with resources respective to each country.

08 November 2014

Jared - After the battle of Thoheleth

In the passing years after the death of his father, Jared was pressed to take over the role of commander of the eastern front. Othaniel, his father-in-law, suffered injuries during the battle with the Sagisera that left him crippled and unable to continue in military service. His wife, Abigail, bore him his son, Enoch, shortly after the battle, along with five other children before book two begins. Though the threat of the Sagisera has been neutralized, other threats have risen. Namely the increase in Watcher created abominations being introduced into Eden. Though Siriad is cut off from the rest of Eden by the Euphrates, these creatures, namely the Ebrahitah, have found their way into Siriad and have breed rapidly. To combat this threat, Jared formed a special unit comprised of Ayil and the Sagisera captives. With the help of weaponry created by Alliyz, Jared has spend the intermediate years tracking and killing these threats. Though they began as captives, Ayil and his men have become trusted friends and comrades of Jared as they conquer this threat together.

05 November 2014

Following the battle of Thoheleth

The time span between the first and second book is great. The following blog posts will be covering the time, people, and events between book 1 and book 2. This post will cover the transitions that have been taking place in Siriad.

Following the battle of Thoheleth, Enosh allows Yavin the extract the knowledge from the stolen reader with Alliyz's help. Under Enosh's rule, only knowledge useful in the defense of Siriad is allowed to be implemented. As time passes, Enosh and Shamgar pass away and replaced by their sons. Under the leadership of Kenan, Yavin is commissioned to start implementing more of the readers knowledge. Siriad slowly begins to transform to becoming like the rest of Eden in it's technology. By the time book 2 begins, Siriad's cities are becoming nearly as advanced as the other cities from book 1.

13 October 2014

Graphic Novel

We're thinking about writing The Corruption as a graphic novel. There are many places and people that would look good illustrated. If we can find a good (reliable) artist, we will try to get this project done in a timely manner.

30 September 2014


People have talked about not understanding the words in the book and asked us for a Glossary. Again, I think they don't realize that with a trilogy, the glossary goes at the end. There will be a glossary added to the last book, but to accommodate those who are interested in learning the words without learning Sanskrit, Hebrew, and Sumerian we will begin to add one here. The way we will do it, is to post a few words here at a time and then form a second page that contains all the words we have added to date. This may take time, so bear with us. Also, the words we add are going to be those for book 1. More words may get added as we progress further into the series.

25 September 2014

Misty Heights

Misty Heights gets little attention in the first book. However, it is a very important part of the second book. There are also some new locations the second book will be visiting. We hope to feature these here shortly.

Misty heights is located in the plateaus south of Habahrem, and it is constantly foggy. Many people who come here are recluses, who have formed a communal village. Most of the people who first migrated to the area were descendants of Abel who were tired of the fighting between the other children of Adam.

The people of Misty heights tend to lean toward seeking inner peace instead of worshiping God. However, they have shrines and burn incense in sacrifice. They also tie flags to ropes surrounding their homes to represent unspoken prayers for others in the community to help praying about.

22 September 2014


Habahrem is the official capital of Razzmada after the Iyr take over. It is located on the edge of Clearwater Lake and is second only to Gahbesh in beauty. Unlike most cities, which house only two Iyr, Habahrem is the seat of Shemihazah, Hermoni, Jeqon, and Ziqiel. One of Cain's sons founded the city and his musical ability was so hypnotic it was thought that Halel (Satan) himself had tutored him.
Even before the angel fall, Habahrem was superior in beauty to the other cities. It's houses are wooden and inlaid with multicolored stones. The flat roofs are in a style that mixes Babylon and ancient Egypt.
The central altar is surrounded by three triangular obelisks.
The major exports of this city are spices, spell scrolls, and musical instruments.
Since most of the first book is centered on Jared and the angels that are rebellious against Shemihazah's rule, very little takes place in this city. However, it will play a major role in future books.

18 September 2014


Shayith is a forest city surrounded by a 30-foot tall thorn bush fence. This fence is alive and has three entry gates that are built into it on the north, south, and east sides.

Most of the inhabitants of Shayith live in the trees, but their storage areas are located on the ground in longhouses/ hogans. The trees are connected to each other by walkways and bridges. Although the entire city is very primitive and remains primitive throughout the books, the presence of Arataqoph (one of the angels) gives it a little more sophistication.

Prior to the arrival of the angels, the people of Shayith were recluses. This did not really change much after the angels arrive. They try to keep to themselves and practice a Druid-like religion sometimes venturing out of the Tsane forest and onto the Plains of Perah at night. Their primary products are lumber and medicinal herbs.

Shayith is inhabited by a mixture of Adam's descendants. They tend to dislike strangers, but if a person joins their community and is self-sufficient and does not want to socialize he or she will fit in well and the other citizens will eventually stop giving them dirty looks.

08 September 2014


Although several chapters of the book are set in Heaven, Kesef, Thoheleth, Padooth, and Goalehadam, most of the action of the story takes place in Metsad. It is located in the valley of Zohar in the land of Havilah. It produces iron, gems, weapons, and armor. It  is populated with Cain's descendants and some of Adams descendants that were born after Seth.

The center of Metsad contains the furnaces used for forging weapons and armor. These massive forges bellow smoke constantly. The irony is that although they are constantly making armor and weapons, most of the land is subdued.

Metsad ha three walls. Between the outermost and middle walls are the trade guilds and lower class populations. Some of these homes may be larger, but they are generally multifamily homes. Between the middle wall and innermost walls are the upper classes and the stadium/coliseum.

The innermost wall encloses the priestess training area and dormitories, the palace and the forges. There are also rows of weapons storage buildings, filled with weapons.

Metsad is one of the top tourist cities targeting younger people. This is what allows the spies to sneak into the city unnoticed.

04 September 2014


Shahar is a city in Razmadda (Iyr controlled Eden), which never truly buys into the angels superiority. While other cities fall at the feet of the Iyr, Shahar takes what they have to offer without sacrificing their independent mindset.

Once the angels begin advising the king, Shahar develops into a tiered city. The main level is the level on the ground and it is for the common people. The upper levels contain airship terminals, but they are also the home to the upper classes.

However, Shahar has a dark secret that even the human ruler is unaware about. Shahar has s dungeon (think Escape from NY or LA) that exists under the city. This area is where the garbage of the city is sent along with those who are sentenced to life imprisonment by the Iyr.

Shahar houses a resistance movement. Although these people are united against the Iyr, they are not necessarily believers in the Almighty, like those of Siriad are. They do, however, believe the Iyr should not be in power.

01 September 2014


When the Watchers first land in Eden, they land near Kesef. There arrival causes an unexpected change in leadership that some see as the hand of God intervening in the affairs of men. The first book allows everything to be neat and tidy.

Some people may wonder why we include these details into the first book. We do get to see Barel and some of his interactions later - Barel is the son of Kesef's leader at the time of the angelfall. However, not much is developed with him, with his family, or with Kesef.

We do kind of leave people hanging, but there is a reason for it - in a later book we will return to Kesef to resolve some of the issues that were caused by the angel's arrival. I know, it's tough to have to wait, but in all, The Corruption was a pretty large book - and it is the first of three books and then a second series of many smaller books. Had we just written it all at one time, it would have taken so many pages that no on would have bought it.

Be patient, we are already starting to work on the second book. Soon you will get to see how some of the spare pieces we threw at you in Book 1 fit into the larger picture.

28 August 2014

Razmadda Social Castes

One of the first things the Iyr set up in Eden were social castes. There are four castes in Razmadda. Five if you want to count the backmountains of Siriad.

The kohen are the highest class and contain the nephilim, addiyrben, priestesses, servants, and officers directly under the Iyr.

Next are the nagiyd, those humans who bore addiyrben or who have served the Iyr in a manner worthy of the title.

Then come the erets, who are common people with no special status. These are the farmers and laborers whose wives were not interesting to the Iyr or Nephilim.

The last group is the kharem. These are the people who have defied the Iyr or their appointed rulers, and who are cast out of society. While this is a social group, most are never seen again.

25 August 2014


Razmadda is all of Eden united under the Iyr. Now the Iyr do not have a completely united kingdom - it is more like the United States. There is definitely some differences of opinion on how things should be run. The biggest power struggle comes between Ozael and Shemihazah. Shemihazah, however, doesn't realize the depth of Ozael's hatred or his lack of care for following any rules.

Within Razmadda, each city is ruled by a minimum of two Watchers (Iyr). These angels each specialized in something while in Heaven and that is the knowledge they bring to the city. They use religion - worshiping the Iyr as gods - to control the land. Although each city learns from the angels that are in charge of them, all the cities trade and therefore have access to all the Iyr technologies.

The angels still hold council meetings periodically to decide matters. Their meetings are becoming less organized as the corruption of the world sinks into them.

21 August 2014


Thoheleth is where the action begins for Siriad. Unlike Kesef, where the inhabitants have already strayed from God before the angels arrive, Siriad remains true to the Creator. In doing so, they win the Creator's protection. Now, we didn't want this to be too over the top, so most of the things God does in the book are like things today. You don't always know that God did it. Christians will see His hand, non-Christians will attribute it to "fate" or "luck" or "chance."

In our book, there are a few times when God makes his presence clear. Still, it is mainly the Iyr who see and recognize this. The place where this is most predominant is in the end of the book. It all takes place right at Thoheleth.

Thoheleth is also in the prophecy dreams that Enosh has. The interesting thing about prophecy is that just when you think you have it figured out something happens and you realize it was really that. Most prophecies in the Bible are two-fold. The prophecy can usually be interpreted in the immediate historical context and then they are interpreted again in the long-term (future) context. These prophecies tend to have more of a dreamlike quality to them. We will leave it to you to figure out if Enosh's prophecy is based in the time of the book or based in the future.

14 August 2014


Padooth is one of the cities of Siriad. It was founded by Adam after Cain killed Abel. A ring of mountains surrounds the plain on which the city rests, but one lone mountain stands at the center of Padooth. On this mountain, citizens make sacrifices to the Almighty under the supervision of Enosh or Keenan, his son.

Because of its seclusion, Padooth is very traditional in its style. The homes tend to have a central courtyard surrounded on three sides by the home and closed to the public by a fence on the fourth side. The upper level of a home in Padooth is an open roof where women frequently do their laundry. It is because of this seclusion that all the people of Siriad are referred to as "backmountains."

Padooth is the home of Enosh. Prior to the arrival of the Iyr, Padooth was a city-state. After the Iyr united the rest of Eden into Razmadda, Siriad also decided to unite. At that time, Padooth, Thoheleth, and Meshfaht all came under Enosh's rule. However, the leaders of Thoheleth and Meshfaht are independent in as much as they are some distance from Enosh. They make all the decisions for their cities unless it is concerning their interactions with Razmadda. They also have an unlimited free trade agreement between the cities that has allowed each city to specialize in its products. In this sense, they are similar to the way the United States was governed prior to the Civil War.


Meshfaht is one of the cities that Adam founded immediately after being kicked out of the garden. This is where the story of Cain and Abel took place.

Now, by our story, we have it that Abel had both a wife (from his sisters) and children before his untimely death. Cain, however, did not have children yet. Think of him as one of those people who want to become established in the world before having kids.

Abel's children are the ones who found Meshfaht and turn it into a furniture manufacturing town. The water in the lake is not drinkable, but great for crops and growing trees for furniture works well. This is the home of Pethe and Aras.

11 August 2014


Siriad is a simple place. Its rulers do the best they can to protect the inhabitants from the influence of the Iyr. In part, this is because they believe the Iyr are not sent from God. In part, it is because the Iyr have limited their trade with Siriad because they are trying to force their hand into an alliance.

Siriad uses basic weapons and dresses as you would expect any ancient people to dress. The three cities, Padooth, Meshfaht, and Thoheleth, have combined to create one nation under Enosh's rule. Because Enosh rules Padooth and the city of Padooth is surrounded by a ring of mountains, the people of Siriad are referred to derogatorily as "backmountains" by the other inhabitants of Siriad.

07 August 2014

Siriad/ Razmadda/ Eden

Siriad is one of the areas of Eden. It solely contains those who refused the angelic rule despite what it cost them. The cities of Thoheleth, where most of the Siriad portion of the story takes place, Meshfaht, and Padooth, where you will have a few scenes focusing on the government.

Although some of the other cities were more resistant than others, once all the cities outside of Siriad were willing to give women and control over to the Iyr, they became collectively known as Razmadda.

Eden was originally going to be both Iyr controlled lands and all the lands in general, but this did not allow the world to be portrayed as different after the arrival of the Iyr. Now, Eden only refers to the land as a whole.

04 August 2014

Watchers, Nephilm, and Abdiyrben Part III

The Addiyrben

The Abdiyrben are the offspring of the first born Nephilim and human women. These half breeds are similar to the firstborns in their physical abilities and appearance. Like their fathers, they mature quicker physically and also gravitate towards selfish immature behavior.

Most Abdiyrden are the result of the law that states that any Nephilim has the right to a woman that is to be wed. This usually takes place after the wedding ceremony. The weddings are staged in accordance with the woman's cycle, so that the likelihood of conception is at its highest. Others are conceived by acceptable woman that offer themselves to the Nephilim in order to gain social status.

The Abdiyrben are raised by their mother until weaned and then are sent to the academies to be trained in their father's arts by the priestesses of that order.

These half-breeds automatically attain the highest status. Some are servants in the palaces of the Iyr or their temples; others make up special units and under the command of their fathers. The main purpose of the Abdiyrben, unknown to man, is to be their eventual replacement.

31 July 2014

Watchers, Nephilim, and Addiyrben Part II

The Nephilim

The Nephilim, or pure bloods as they are sometimes referred, are the first born children to the Watchers. They are half angelic and half human. They retain some of the abilities of their fathers to control matter around them, but nowhere near the extent of the Iyr. They are more known for their extraordinary strength, lightning quickness, speed and endurance. They posses the sharp features of their fathers (pointed ears, chiseled face, slender, muscular form)

The Nephilim mature much quicker  than humans physically, only taking 1/3 the time to reach adulthood. Mentally and emotionally though, they are similar to adolescents. They are selfish and arrogant and many, because of their upbringing, are wicked and heartless. All the Nephilim are male with the exception of one, and many look similar to humans, except the sharp features.

Some though, have other attributes that passed from their fathers. For example, the lone female has a lighter skeletal mass and wings similar to an owl. Another possesses the traits similar to a satyr, because his father preferred a similar form. Yet another has traits similar to a doppelganger. Because of these attributes and their bravery in battle, they receive the title of heroes of old, and men of renown. (Gen. 6:4)

What men do not know, though, is that the Nephilim have a dark secret that they and their fathers have kept from the inhabitants of Eden. Something that will bring a rein of terror upon mankind.

28 July 2014

Watchers, Nephilim, and Addiyrben Part I

The Watchers

The watchers, or Iyr (Hebrew for watcher-angel) as they are referred to by those of Razmadda, are angels that are charged with keeping the records and deeds of men. They are separated into those who actually do the observing or "watching" and those who are tasked with recording it and managing those who operate in Eden.

Some of these angels believe they are greater than man. They were irritated that they had to keep watch of mankind and to do the Almighty's work protecting humans. With the rebellion of the fallen Cherub of the Garden, these angels became bolder. Eventually, the seeds of rebellion spread throughout Heaven.

This is where a Seraph named Shemihazah and those angels on his council are introduced. They felt that their lives were ones of enslavement and longed to be "free" to do whatever they wanted. One of their desires was the "helper" that man was given: women. For clarity, after the angels rebel, those in open rebellion become Iyr, while those still with God are the Watchers.

With the exception of Shemihazah, Iyr have human-like characteristics. Being a Seraph, Shemihazah possesses the head of an eagle. (Halel or Satan also has unique features.) They are distinctly different, though, because they are taller than the average man and have very sharp, chiseled features. In my mind, they resemble many depictions I have seen of elves.

All the Iyr have incredible strength, speed, and senses. They also have the ability to affect the environment around them due to their ability to manipulate matter at the molecular level. This ability gives the impression that they have magical powers. They do not sleep, and they have no need for food but require large amounts of concentrated light to maintain their abilities and strength. This is why one of the first technologies developed in Razmadda was the large crystal light converters that peak all of the Iyr's palaces. These crystals concentrate light to nearly the amounts needed to emulate the light they were used to in the heavenly realm. 

With their trade-off of knowledge for wives they soon posses enormous influence over the affairs of those who have succumbed to their temptation.

24 July 2014

The Apex

The Apex is a giant meeting platform that exists in the earth's atmosphere in the heavenly realm. Because Heaven is highly organized (think giant ant mound), some angels have the job of observing or watching those on earth, some angels have the job of collecting and recording the information. The Apex is where both types of angels meet to exchange the information.

There are also other organizational levels of angelic hierarchy. There are messengers that interact with humans and God, there are interpreters that interpret the gathered information, and there are councils that determine when to notify the hierarchy above them and when to apply to take action on human issues.

21 July 2014

The Spiritual Realm

When angels are in the Spiritual realm in the Heavenly realm (anywhere beyond the earth's atmosphere), they are in Heaven. When angels are on earth and they are in the Spiritual realm, they can observe both Spiritual and Physical beings. However, it is sometimes difficult to tell which is which. If an angel switches between Physical and Spiritual realms, he suddenly appears or disappears to those in the Physical realm, and he twinkles or glimmers to those in the Spiritual realm so they are recognizable. Hence, changing forms in front of someone identifies the changer as an angel.

Angels who exist in the Spiritual form on earth can usually identify other angels in the Spiritual form even if they do not know them. However, this is an acquired skill and not perfect– not all angels have it.

Angels in the Spiritual realm can interact with things in the Physical realm if they will it. They can speak through telepathy (although the person hearing it may think it is a real voice), cause “unnatural” things to occur (magic), and through spirit possession cause people to have unnatural abilities.

18 July 2014

The Earthly Realm

The earthly realm is the physical world inhabited by humans. It overlaps the heavenly realm, but there is a clear division between the two. Although some aspects of the heavenly realm are visible in the earthly realm - for example light flows that angels use to travel are what we see as stars, star clusters, nebulae, and galaxy formations are actually angelic, multi-planetary cities, and black holes are the places in the heavenly realm that are empty - what humans see is more like a dirty smudge compared to what is seen in the heavenly realm. Also, note that some aspects of the heavenly realm cannot be seen, per se, such as the Apex, but they do exhibit physical phenomena that can be measured in our world.

16 July 2014

The Heavenly Realm

The heavenly realm is the area in space where heaven exists. The heavenly realm extends from the surface of the earth into the heavens. When angels open tears and stairways descend from the Apex, they are entering the heavenly realm. They can only exist in the spiritual realm when in the heavenly realm. If they enter the physical realm, they either appear in outer space or somewhere on earth. They cannot observe what is happening on earth or in the physical realm when they are in the heavenly realm. (God, however, can observe the actions of both realms at the same time, just as He can exist in all realms at the same time – Jesus/ Spirit/ Father).

14 July 2014

The Physical Realm

The physical realm can exist in Heaven (outer space) or on earth. Humans must exist in the physical realm until they die; then they enter the spiritual realm. Their spirit and physical bodies are connected to each other prior to death. A body without a spirit cannot live. A spirit without a body can.

When angels enter the physical realm, they can no longer observe what is occurring in the spiritual realm. When in the physical realm, they have a physical body, but it is not like our bodies. It does not grow old or die – hence they can travel in outer space without air, they do not have to eat or sleep on earth. However, angels need light in order to generate energy. This is a requirement whether they are existing in either the physical or spiritual realms. An angel, deprived of light, eventually becomes equal to a human in strength and endurance. The only way to 'kill' an angel in the physical realm is by severing the angel's spirit from its physical body using an angelic blade. Angelic blades are also the only weapons that can damage an angel's physical or spiritual body.

Although angels existing in the spiritual realm on earth can pass through physical objects, they can influence physical things. They can possess people, and they can also create audible voices in people's heads. Angels in the spiritual realm can see and hear what is happening in the physical realm. '

Angels do not see things in the spiritual realm on earth the same way. 'Seeing' in the earthly spiritual realm is more of a sensing. It allows angels to know where other angels are while seeing the physical objects as they exist. Some angels, especially those that exist in this realm continuously, are better at this than others.

11 July 2014

The Four Realms

There are four realms that angels and man move throughout in Eden: the Heavenly Realm, the Earthly Realm, the Physical Realm, and the Spiritual Realm.

The Heavenly Realm and Earthly Realm are physical divisions. The Physical Realm and the Spiritual Realm are more based on what the human eyes see versus what angellic eyes see.

09 July 2014

The Language: Part II

Aside from having terms from ancient languages to distinguish between different creatures and items in the book, language is used to show closeness or distance from God.

In heaven, the angels speak in complete sentences sprinkled with Hebrew. They do not use contractions or slang. Their speech is "pure" to represent the purity of God that rubs off on them when they are in his presence. Some angels, who are severing their link with the Almighty, may already be developing the cracks in speech that will become prevalent later in the book.

On earth, the people of Siriad use contractions and some slang, but they still speak in complete sentences. They are not in God's presence, but they are trying to remain close to him.

In the rest of Eden, people use less grammatically correct speech. After the Iyr arrive, their speech falls into greater decline. However, even the Iyr begin to lose their perfect speech as they remain in this world, banned from the presence of God.

07 July 2014

The Language: Part I

Most of The Lost Histories of Eden is written in English (although we hope it will eventually be translated to may other languages). However, we have drawn on several other languages that we feel played a prominent role in the original language of earth (whatever that was). Hebrew, of course, becomes the language of Heaven. Sumerian is the language of Eden. Sanskrit is the language of the Iyr.

What was the original language of Eden? We may never know. However, we felt that there needed to be some distinction between the origins of items within Eden. How to tell the difference between a God-created dinosaur and one created genetically by the Iyr? It's all in the name.

05 July 2014


There are many words in The Corruption that have been borrowed from ancient languages: Sumerian, Hebrew, and Sanskrit. However, we do not have a glossary at the end of this book.


Well, because this book is a series. The first three books: The Corruption, The Tribulation, and The Judgement makes up the Age of the Watchers. This series follows the reigns of Enosh, Kenan, and Jared. It begins with a prologue and it will end with an epilogue. At the very end of the trilogy will be a glossary for the reader's convenience, but we aren't there yet.

Structurally, we are following the Lord of the Rings. Yes, the prologue is a little slow - but have you ever read the prologue for the Hobbit? Feel free to skip it if it is dragging you down. It is Jennifer's nod to literary fiction by creating a frame story. The first seven chapters of The Corruption detail the angelic events, then the action switches to Siriad. Expect the other books to mirror this because we want to follow both the angels and humans during this time.

Once the Age of the Watchers is complete, we have a second series planned (The Age of the Nephilim). This series will be structurally different from the first. These are the Methuselah Diaries, and will follow him as he roams the earth hunting Nephilim. We have not decided on an official name for these yet. For people who prefer one-sided stories, these will be the books for you. They will be written entirely in Methuselah's point of view but span from Enoch to Noah.

We are not the only ones to place a glossary at the end of the trilogy instead of the end of the book. Our words will not change. However, just for reference, know that you are not missing much. Things that have ancient names are primarily: foods, animals, measurements, and people.

10 June 2014

Pre-flood World Map

In addition to having the cover designed, we also had our map drawn out a little better. The new map will begin appearing in print books purchased today and after. However, as of yet, we have been unable to add the map to the Kindle version of the book. For this reason, we are uploading it here:

02 June 2014

The Sarkilliyon

In the first installment of the Histories of Eden, Jared encounters a creature that the Watcher Kazeja calls the sarkilliyon. This is the ultimate killing machine, having been infused with the knowledge of war and gifted with the DNA of man, Watcher, and Dragon. Its name means king of destruction and that is what it is. It is a fiercely independent and rebellious creature with only one goal in mind... destruction and revenge.

The sarkilliyon appears near the end of the book, but both it and the dragon will be back in book 2.

29 May 2014

The Corruption on display in New York Today!!!

The Book Expo America opened today in New York. If you are going you will find The Corruption at the Combined Book Exhibit. We were told "if you can't find your book just ask the people working there" but hopefully you will find ours easily. There are two copies of it in the exhibit, but both are proof copies with incomplete cover design. The books you can purchase on Amazon have had many typos corrected and have a complete cover (with the stone background throughout).

24 May 2014

Book Expo America!!

All of our titles - including The Corruption - will be at the Combined Book Exhibit in New York at the Book Expo America. If you are going to be in NY (or if you live there) from May 29 - 31, you should consider attending this event and taking a look at The Corruption in person.

Keep in mind that the version of the Corruption on display was the proof version with the incomplete cover. (The sides and back are black on the proof - but the final version you can now purchase has the stone look on everything.)

21 May 2014

Best search

There are many books titled "The Corruption" on If you are not using our website to purchase the books or the CreateSpace store (which can be accessed from our website by clicking on the book pictures on the home page), then you should type "The Corruption Reinoehl" into the Amazon search bar or just click here. To keep prices lower, this book will only be offered through Amazon/ Kindle and not through extended distribution. It is free through Amazon Prime.

The Corruption NOW AVAILABLE!!!

The Corruption is now available on Amazon, through our CreateSpace store, and on our Website.

There is also a Kindle version you can purchase or borrow for free with Amazon Prime.

10 May 2014

Some real history.

If you have been following us, you know the "Histories of Eden" is loosely based off of a true story. In Genesis 6, it says:

"And it happened that, when humankind began to multiply upon the face of the ground, daughters were born to them. Then the sons of God saw the daughters of humankind, that they were beautiful. And they took for themselves wives from all that they chose. And Yahweh said, "My spirit will not abide with humankind forever in that he is Also of flesh. And his days shall be 120 yrs." The Nephalim were upon the earth in those days, and afterward,  when the sons of God went into the daughters of humankind and bore children unto them. These were the mighty warriors from ancient times, men of renown.-(Lexham English Bible)
Some argue that the "sons of God" do not refer to angels, but the word that is used usually refers to  heavenly beings - not sons of earthly kings. Some might also quote where Jesus said that "the angels in heaven do not marry or are given in marriage..."Of course, the key phrase is "angels in heaven."

These angels abandoned their posts in heaven and came to live on the pre-diluvian earth. The apocryphal book of Enoch records about 200 or so of them. According to the Book of Enoch, the Watchers brought knowledge and technology to man and helped them to create advanced civilizations before the flood.

09 May 2014

YEAH! We have a Cover!!!

Below you will get to see the cover for The Corruption. Our artist came through and got it done in time to make the New York BEA (more about that later)!

Now, this is only the front of the book, so the one going to New York will have a little different back (we haven't gotten the back yet). But, I think this is definitely promising. As soon as we have the whole cover, we will be putting it on Amazon.

03 May 2014

Book Cover Update

We are hoping to have a book cover update soon. We will be getting the file in jpeg. Since CreateSpace requires a pdf, we learned how to make that conversion today.

We really need this book published by May 8th, so we may have to consider the temporary book cover/ and then trade it out with the natural one if it isn't done by then.

As we are chopping more things out, we are thinking about adding some of the descriptions here. What do you think?

02 May 2014

Final edits

We want to give you the best book possible, so while we wait for the artwork, we are doing more editing. The book will probably not be perfect, but we are really trying to get it up there with traditional publishing houses that are a little older than us.

Most of the editing at this point is chopping it down to make it a book that doesn't drag - well maybe the prologue drags, but you can always skip that. Think about the prologue for the Hobbit and you will understand what we mean.

If you read through the first chapter in April, and then you get the book, it would be interesting to know if you think our editing helped. I know when I watch movie cut scenes that ended up on the chopping block, I am usually pretty glad they didn't include them in the actual movie. But, maybe you feel different.

The nice thing is we can always feature the scenes we cut here on our blog.

01 May 2014

Thank you for bearing with us!

Okay, so you can now access the entire first chapter of the book on here if you read all the posts for April. Our goal was to launch the book, now, but as we were rushing to edit it, we overlooked a minor detail - the cover design.

If you have been following our blog, you know that we seem to have a hard time keeping artists around here. The first artist we hired to do Lillith (back in August 2013) just called today and says he is finally ready to give us what he has, but he isn't satisfied with it. As soon as we get it, we will post it. If you have seen the sketches we posted, it would be hard to think of a picture this guy does that isn't excellent, but artists get very self-conscious about their work.

The next guy we hired took our artwork in a little different direction, but we were happy. We ran into some problems on another book, though, and had to stop artwork on this one.

Naturally, he was my first choice when I thought about a book cover, but he isn't doing so much artwork right now because he has moved into trailers. Hmmm, maybe he would do our trailer.

So, on Monday we hired a cover designer, but it of course takes time. Right now we are thinking this will be done by next week, but we will keep you posted - and we will literally post the coverart as we get it.

30 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 30

“It is time to take what is ours and overthrow the Lord of Hosts,” the creature spoke with a tone of satisfaction.
“Yes, indeed it is, and with their help, I will be able to remove the curse laid upon me in the Garden. Now, it is time for you to go. I need you to move things as intended in the Heavenly realm.” Halel said.
The angel bowed and extened his hand. The rip appeared again, its light leaking into this creation from the other and then closing up once the figure stepped through.
Halel stood alone in the field for a moment facing Padooth. With an evil smile on his face, as if he were a cat who had wounded its prey and was beginning to play with it, he said through clenched teeth, “No seed of woman will crush my head.”
His cape ballooned out behind him and formed into four wings on his back. Their dark plumage resembled that of a male peacock with black iridescent eyes everywhere as he rose into the air and disappeared quickly into the darkness.


With the last mourning visitor gone and the house prepared for tomorrow’s burial, Enosh and his kin stepped outside of Seth’s villa. The immediate pain of losing a loved one had given way to numbness and exhaustion.
Enosh started to pull the hood of his light robe closer around his head to keep out the violent wind, but by the time he had finished the gale suddenly stopped, and the air became instantly still and peaceful. Enosh looked at the others and lowered his hood.
“I feel the worst is yet to come my brothers,” he said. “I pledge to you that my father’s last words were not in vain.”
Deep inside him, the unease refused to rest. He only knew that this night was significant in a yet undiscovered way.

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book 1 in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April. 

29 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 29

“It seems as if you haven’t left anything to chance,” Jeqon said, smirking. Excitement began to vibrate through his body at the thought of how close he may be to attaining a woman. “I have no more questions at this time. Asbel and I shall bring this before Shemihazah. After he accepts, we shall begin preparation for our descent quietly so as not to draw any unwanted attention.”

“Good,” Halel said, more than pleased at Jeqon’s confidence. “Asbel’s suggestion was not in vain. Your talents are clearly being wasted in Heaven.”
“We shall be on our way then.” Jeqon bowed slightly. Asbel copied the motion. 

Jeqon reached one arm in front of him, which caused a slit of light to shoot from it. Both stepped into the light and disappeared as if someone ripped open the night to another dimension and then sewed it up again quickly before it could fully open and swallow this one. 

Halel stood there with a wicked smile upon his face. Turning toward a lone tree behind him, he spoke into its shadowy darkness, “Your help has been most instrumental.”

From behind the tree, a dark mysterious figure crept out into the open field. His robes were thick, and pale as the others had been, but his face was a pallid white alabaster instead of bronze. Ruby red eyes with flecks of gold in them peered out from underneath the hood, which was back far enough on his head to allow some of his contrasting jet-black hair to show. He stopped next to Halel clasping his hands behind him.

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book 1 in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April. 

28 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 28

“It seems that you have come to the same conclusion as myself, Jeqon.” The stranger’s hood fell so low over his head it almost concealed his entire face. Jeqon recognized the voice at the same time the stranger removed the hood revealing onyx black curls and a handsome, oblong face.

“Asbel,” Jeqon said in shock. “What are you doing here? Were you not sent elsewhere?”

Asbel chuckled. “I wasn’t sent elsewhere,” he said. “When I was called for this assignment, I told Shemihazah that there were pressing affairs in Metsad that could not be entrusted to a subordinate. I suggested he send you here. You see, Halel came to me in Habahrem. Personally, I find him to be quite remarkable.” Asbel looked over to the dark angel, and Halel bowed his head in acknowledgment of the compliment. “Nothing on this earth and little in Heaven escapes his notice even my whereabouts.

“He made me a generous offer, but I knew that anything I were to suggest would be dismissed. Everyone knows what little esteem I have for our current arrangement and how easily I would be willing to change my situation. I recommended he recruit you. I assume you accepted this chance to change our group’s dismal fate. Together, we should be able to convince our brothers to join us.” 

“I have almost decided,” Jeqon remarked. His pride swelled in the presence of the lower ranking angel. “There is one very important issue that has not been discussed. When we abandon our posts, we shall no longer know what is happening in the Heavenly realms. This will put us at a disadvantage if there is some offensive action taken toward us. How do you expect to deal with that?”

“There is no need to worry,” Halel responded quickly. “I shall make sure no offensive action takes place against you. As always, I have a plan for dealing with it,” Halel finished with a charming grin.

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book 1 in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April. 

27 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 27

Here was a chance to fix things, to make them right. Halel himself had taken that chance, and he seemed to be enjoying the fruits of his fortune. For Jeqon to refuse such a generous and simple offer would be to refuse everything he aspired to achieve in eternity. He returned his gaze to the cherub.

“If I go to Shemihazah alone, he won’t agree to this. He knows that I spend my time in the Heavenly realm. Neither of us can be sure that what you tell us of man’s gullibility is true. He will want to be sure that man will fall for our ploy. He will want assurance of success. Like me, Shemihazah is not one to risk everything for no gain.”

“Of course,” Halel said sympathetically, “I already made arrangements for overcoming any lack of knowledge either of you might have about mankind’s simplicity. Come with me.”

Before Jeqon could protest, the cape upon Halel’s back wrapped itself around him until it covered him completely in soft, almost suffocating darkness. Instantly, it recoiled behind its master, leaving them both in a field of wheat with a few scattered trees. The experience caused Jeqon to lose a little of his glow, but Halel did not draw attention to it.

“Where are we?” asked Jeqon, more than a little unnerved from being surrounded by such a dark object. He felt slightly drained but did not have much time to ponder the experience.

“There is no need for alarm. As you can see, we are in the fields outside of Padooth. The reason I brought you here was to show you how to accomplish your goal,” he said, extending his right arm toward a nearby group of five trees. 

Out of the darkness a figure in a thick, pale, hooded robe stepped confidently into the moonlight. His hands were clasped together in front of him, concealed by the large sleeves of his garment.

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book 1 in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April. 

26 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 26

“If mankind accepts you, as Adam and Eve accepted me, then they are to blame for their transgressions… not you. And if, for example, you teach them the secrets of Heaven, they will give you whatever you want. They will serve you, give you homage, and even give their women to you… if you so desire. As long as they want your presence here, no judgment will come upon you. It’s that easy.”

Jeqon frowned as Halel continued. “Mankind is greedy and easy to manipulate. It should not be hard for you or any of your associates to keep them in the palm of your hand. Give them a morsel here and there. Stir up strife and then give them ways of resolving it. Make them think that you are gods and forget there is only One who currently holds that position. You will then be able to exercise your leadership and take what you desire. As long as you give them what they want, they will return the favor. If they don’t give you what you want, you can use retribution to show them who is superior. All they have to do is agree to accept your ‘gifts’ of knowledge. Once they make that contract with you, you can ask anything of them and punish them if they refuse you.”

“Have you considered all the issues that could arise with this plan?”

Halel turned his angelic face toward Jeqon and with a near sinister smirk said, “There is no point in taking on any endeavor unless you think through all your options first. That way you can do it correctly without losses.”

Jeqon looked away for moment, thinking about his life within the Heavenly realms. He had long felt that their existence did not seem to have any noble purpose. Angels were eternal and man was now mortal. Angels got to spend eternity taking care of these weak creatures with no personal pleasure or gain. Man on the other hand was allowed not only a variety of pleasures and gluttonies, but he was also given the choice to live their lives for the Almighty or to serve themselves. A look of disgust came over his face as he thought about the disgrace to all of angelkind. 

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book 1 in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April. 

25 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 25

“Do you think that He will turn a blind eye on us and will not be aware of our actions? What do we really gain if we are going to be subjecting ourselves to his judgment?”

“Relax, Jeqon. Why do you worry so much? Just because Michael caught you tonight, doesn’t mean you should fear Divine retribution. Or are Michael’s words changing your heart’s desire?"

“How do you know about my conversation with Michael?” Jeqon demanded. He knew that cherubim were not all knowing. He wondered how many angels had escaped his notice tonight yet were present to witness his embarrassing event with the archangel.

“I also found the event of Seth’s departure important to observe. Let’s just say I like to hear what men repeat in their gossip about me. I was in the courtyard watching and listening as you received your tongue lashing from Heaven’s watchdog.” Halel’s eyes glistened as he fanned the flames of Jeqon’s anger toward Michael.

“I wouldn’t have called it a tongue lashing,” bit back Jeqon. 

“As you say,” the cherub replied coyly. “You should take what Michael says with a grain of salt anyway. He has a tendency toward a stong belief in his own superiority. In order to maintain his authority, he thinks it important to try to sway others from doing things he may not do. His opinion does not mean they are wrong… if they are done right,” the dark angel soothed.

“So, if we come here, how do we acquire what ‘we’ want?” sulked Jeqon.

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book 1 in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April. 

24 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 24

Halel turned again and began walking back toward the left of Jeqon. This time, the angel was prepared for the lion’s face, which spoke in a baritone growl, “As one mind, you must abandon your posts in Heaven and take up residence upon the earth. Once you reside here, you may do as you will with the things, or should I say thing, that you desire. The key is that you all make a united abandonment of Heaven.”

“It will be difficult to convince Shemihazah to take part in something of this nature. I think you have underestimated him if you think minor temptations will convince him to abandon his Heavenly post.”

“That is where you must play your part, Jeqon. You are his trusted confidant. I know you are resourceful and can convince him. Shemihazah seeks out your council on all matters. He trusts your ideas and confides his own with you. Surely, you know that he has ambitions for a higher position than that of man’s bookkeeper. Perhaps you missed it, but I heard that he also has, shall we say, an affection for women and power.”

Jeqon was slightly concerned that an angel whom he had never encountered before knew so much about the council and hierarchy where he served. Halel no longer resided in the Heavenly realms and only visited when summoned. It was impossible for Shemihazah to hold him in his council and confide in him. Further, Jeqon doubted that Halel was ever admitted into Shemihazah’s trust. 

“How is it you know these things?” he finally asked.

“I have my sources of information. However, as it is in Heaven, information within my ranks is given only to those who need to know.”

This was surprising since Jeqon always viewed the cherubim as a loner. Occasionally, he may have hypothesized that he had other agents, but he never believed they would infiltrate Heaven. Still, knowing others were with him did nothing to settle the unease that remained inside him and conflicted with the growing pull to join with Halel. Jeqon was ready to obtain his desires, but not at a damning price. 

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book 1 in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April.

23 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 23

 “Us?” Halel chuckled. “I already gained power for myself. I am master over death and hold the key to the fate of man. Because man was willing to enter a covenant with me by disobeying ‘Him’, I have already become the god of this world. Though I, myself, will not be satisfied until the very throne of Heaven is mine,” Halel raised his arm toward Heaven and clinching his fist as though he were squashing something in it. “I retain sympathy for my brothers who have not yet escaped their chains. If you join with me, you can have whatever freedoms you desire.”

“What difference is it to free yourself from one just to serve another?” Jeqon asked, although it seemed serving Halel would be far more glorious that serving mortal creatures.

“I’m not asking you to serve me. I already have many who are willing to do that. I want you to join me side-by-side as equals so that we may overcome the One that has dealt us this injustice. United, we will suceed. So, tell me honestly Jeqon, does my offer interest you?”

“I find it to be an interesting proposal, but there must be some information you are leaving out. It all seems too easy.”

“I can see you are not one to miss minor details. I like that in an accomplice,” Halel smiled. “There is a small detail I neglected to mention. You see, I would need more than just your allegiance. You do not have influence over many. Shemihazah, on the other hand, has the influence to bring others in your council with him to aid in my plan.”

“And what plan is that?”

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book 1 in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April.

22 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 22

The revelation was almost as shocking as the bull’s face. “And what is it that you believe we both want?” Jeqon asked boldly. Subconsciously, his eyes darted around to be sure no other being was observing this conversation.

 “To change our fates… to fulfill our desires… to be our own gods,” responded the dark angel. His bull face smiled inwardly as shock and ambition flickered in Jeqon’s eyes. “You said it yourself, did you not? I believe your exact words were ‘We should be allowed to enjoy whatever we want.’ You also pointed out the indignity of powerful beings such as we are being forced to serve lower beings. What you want is to be able to change that… is it not?” The angel strode forward as Jeqon looked down at the ground and thought about it what was being said. Although Halel was infamous across Heaven and labeled as evil, he could see the cruel irony of the greater serving the lesser.

“And you think achieving freedom is possible? How are you expecting to gain this power for… us?” Jeqon’s said scornfully. As he raised his eyes from the ground, he was again stunned because instead of the man or the bull, an extraordinary golden eagle was looking directly at him out of the helmet. From this view of the angel’s back, he also noticed the creature’s polished bronze hooves peeking out from beneath the shadowy cape. 

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book 1 in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April.

21 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 21

Jeqon suddenly realized his precarious position. He wondered how he managed to go from bad to worse. He remained silent and motionless while his thoughts raced at full speed. What was this being doing trying to speak with him? Was this some trap? Did Michael…? But, no, he knew that Michael would have nothing to do with this cherub.

“Ah, wait… of course,” the being said, clasping his hands together. “How rude of me. I have not introduced myself to you.”

“There is no need for that, I know who you are…” replied Jeqon lowering his voice to a whisper, “Halel.”

“Very well then, am I right in guessing who you are?” Halel questioned, pleased that Jeqon responded.
“I suppose that depends on what you want,” replied Jeqon raising his chin a little and allowing his arrogance once again to get the best of him. The majestic figure turned and strode to the right of Jeqon.

Jeqon blinked in surprise because although the creature’s body was not facing him, the being’s face still looked directly at him. However, it was no longer the face of the delicately handsome angel, which he had just seen, but instead it was the face of a mighty red bull. Two dark horns poked through its helmet top. Although startled, Jeqon rapidly regained his composure when he remembered the cherubim had not one, but four faces. 

“What I want?” he said coyly, in a musically deep bass. “What I want is the same thing that you want. You and I are very similar in our wants. That is why I came to you.”

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book 1 in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April.

20 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 20

Jeqon shifted his gaze to the creature’s face to see what kind of immortal this was. He was surprised to see the most beautiful angel he ever beheld. A platinum helmet polished to a black mirror finish sat upon this shadow angel’s head and was topped with seven spires each about two feet in length that ended in a different gemstone. Cheek guards, also made of platinum, came down from the helmet and fused at his chin. At this wonderful creature’s side was an angelic blade of judgment, which rested in a scabbard made of gold and silver swirled in intricate patterns and further decorated with all the gems found on the rest of the armor.

More magnificent than everything was the cape worn by this handsome being, it was as black as night, as if it absorbed any light around it. Although double the length of its wearer, the cape seemed to float with a mind of its own, never touching the ground. It drifted back and forth from side to side, maliciously playful like a cat’s tail.

For a moment, this tail began to wrap in front of the creature and then pulled back, billowing out behind him as he began to walk toward Jeqon. Jeqon stood there paralyzed in awe. The being came within two feet of him and stopped. Then, the cape formed into a thin appendage and stroked the bottom of Jeqon’s chin. Despite his amazed stasis, Jeqon pulled back, jerking away from its featherlike touch. For a moment, he thought about fleeing, but the thought quickly passed as the dark angel emitted a carefree laugh. The cape receded and returned to slowly waving back and forth in the background.

“Your name is Jeqon, is it not?” the voice asked melodic and amused. The dark angel cocked his head to the side and taunted him, “Come now, surely you know what your name is?” 

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book one in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April.

19 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 19

He stopped and looked the last person in line face-to-face. To this middle aged man, he sneered, “Pathetic creatures! Why you find pleasure in His eyes is beyond me. You are powerless and frail. We are full of glory and strength. We should be given the position of favor and should be allowed to enjoy whatever we want! Why is it that we are degraded into serving you and are forbidden even the simple pleasures you are allowed?”

The man heard nothing and remained standing in solemn contemplation while Jeqon vented his emotion. Jeqon, however, felt much better by ranting at the object of his antipathy. He turned and walked away with a smile of supremacy on his face that quickly disappeared.
A voice resembling an echoing loud whisper surrounded him from all directions, “You seem discontented tonight brother.” 

Jeqon jumped and turned around to see who was speaking to him. Although his masked his voice to the man, he vocalized his thoughts loud enough for any Heavenly being to hear. Anger began to rise in him again from being caught off guard for a second time during his brief earthly stint. He could not believe he made such a foolish mistake twice. Setting his face, he drew in a breath, ready to deal with another ‘lesson’.

“Don’t look so panicked. I haven’t come to reprimand you,” the voice purred. This time Jeqon located its source from the alleyway to his right. It smoothed to an elegant, friendly tone. Jeqon mistrusted his eyes as a figure emerged from the shadows that resembled a shadow itself.

As the darkness stood there and solidified, Jeqon noticed it was covered from the neck downward in full armor. Each plate was carved from polished onyx and had rows of gems in a chaotic yet dazzling pattern that began to glint in the moonlight. Ruby, topaz, emerald, and olivine adorned the plates on the shadow’s chest while those covering each leg were set with jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise, and aquamarine. Furthermore, each plate of the mail was surrounded by gold and silver trim that seemed to attach each one to the next. The entire set moved without moving when one stared at it as Jeqon was now doing. 

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book one in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April.

18 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 18


Jeqon stormed through the streets outside the villa before regaining his composure and calming his anger. He thought about returning to Shemihazah instantly, but at the same time, he did not want to depart this newly forbidden land, yet. Michael might have ordered him to leave, but he did not have to jump at Michael’s command like a slave.

The line of mourners stretched like a long stream before him. Families clustered together, but all waited patiently for their turn to give respect to the passed leader’s relatives. Jeqon smirked to himself; he could not believe how naïvely they waited. What was Seth but a mere mortal who, like all men, was forced to succumb to death’s icy grip? This same fate would overtake them all, and yet they wasted the little time they had on this earth standing around to see a corpse. Then what would they do? They would pledge allegiance to Seth’s son as though they had a real choice about such matters. Jeqon continued toward the edge of the city, believing that his point of arrival was just as good of a place as any for departing. 

Following the overlong line, Jeqon decided that those on the hillside must have backtracked though the city in order to get a place in the line. He covered the distance at a pace sped by the anger within him, snaking along with it all the way back to the bridge. He noticed that the wind had become more biting while he had been inside. As it whipped the cloaks of those in the line without touching his own, Jeqon felt even more superior. The drizzle of discontent grew into a storm with each step. Look at that, he thought, they can’t even keep out a little wind.

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book one in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April.

17 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 17

Michael’s irritation began to grow. The woman had never been in danger of actually being molested because of his presence and intervention, but she had been degraded to the level of an object all the same. He was irritated that a being with such superior power saw nothing wrong with taking advantage of that power and using it against those created without it. He knew another who felt he should be allowed to do what he wanted because he had the ability. He also saw this same poison as it infested mankind. For a moment, he wondered if it could spread through angelic ranks as well. He would report it and hoped he could help stop it before it went too far. Right now, perhaps a more peaceful lesson was needed.

“Do you know why the Lord created woman, Jeqon?” asked Michael calming himself instantly to teach the lower angel.

 “Of course I do,” Jeqon was in no mood to be calmed. He let his irritation show through his snapped out words. “They were created as a companion to man.” 

“Correct, Jeqon, a companion for man… and man alone. Do not forget this.” There was a slight pause as Michael waited to observe Jeqon’s response, but there was none. Jeqon stood silent and motionless as though he were a statue. 

 Michael continued, “Seth passed; you observed. It is time for you to report the event to Shemihazah as you were instructed.”

“As you wish, Prince Michael,” he replied with a slight bow.

“You can also inform Shemihazah that I shall summon him to discuss the responsibilities which he possesses. I want to ensure he knows that he need not send any of his agents to do or… ‘observe’… things that are outside of their jurisdiction.”

“I shall do so,” replied Jeqon, as the anger rose inside him and threatened to unleash itself. If there were a way to be assured he would get away with it, he would gladly have taken the opportunity to teach Michael a lesson.

“And as for you, Jeqon, I do not foresee any reason why I should see you in Siriad again. You would do well to make sure this is so. You may go.”

Jeqon irately pulled his hood back over his off-white pearl toned hair and sharply turned toward the exit that led into the streets. He paused, looking back over his shoulder.

“Very well, Prince Michael. If that is your will.” His words were bitingly sarcastic, and once they were out, he quickly stormed through the gate between those who were still coming and going.
For a moment, there was confusion among the people as a burst of cold wind blew from the house, chilling those in its path to the bone.

Michael gave a sigh. “God’s will, not mine, old friend. I fear you are going to take a path, dear brother, that shall not bode well for you.” He then lifted his hands toward Heaven, and vanished into a mist without any human knowing what had transpired. 

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book one in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April.

16 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 16

“I see… although that does not seem to be all that you were observing.” The words came out as a reprimand.

“What are you trying to say?” Off guard, Jeqon replied more severely than he should have but quickly snapped his mouth shut. He hoped Michael would overlook his attitude.

“Let us not forget who we are. Your own actions have not gone unobserved. You did not think you would be alone here, did you? Several of us are participating in different aspects of this event.”

Jeqon pondered for a second about why he failed to sense Michael’s presence. Having spent most of his time within the Heavenly realm in the house of Shemihazah, he was not accustomed to having to watch his back. He brushed the thought away and made a note to be even more careful the next time he visited the earthly realm. “I was only observing her beauty, nothing more. All creation is pleasing, and there is nothing wrong with admiring it.”

“You know there is something wrong with observing it with more than your eyes. Or when your heart is looking at more than just the beauty of creation.”

Jeqon stood silently. People passed all around, in and out of the courtyard, but his observation of them had ceased. His hood-shadowed eyes narrowed and locked with Michael’s. He understood his position. If Shemihazah knew he was confronting Michael over something so minor, he would be in twice as much trouble. He calmed himself and stated, “It was nothing… just a touch. There was no harm meant. I knew she would not be aware of it. You know they cannot sense us unless we desire them to do so. I myself was ‘touched’ by several of them just walking here. Some minor interactions cannot be helped.”

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book one in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April.

15 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 15

Jeqon pulled back his hood revealing the elegant, chiseled features of his face, and his glowing, deep blue sapphire eyes. His mouth was set with anger momentarily before he managed a forced smile.

“Ah, Prince Michael, what a pleasure it is to be honored by your presence,” he replied with haughtiness, disgust, and a slight quiver in his voice.

“Yes, I am sure.” Michael said in a calm, sardonic voice, seeing through the flattery as the distraction it was meant to be. Michael released Jeqon’s arm. He drew it back as if he had broken Michael’s hold. Then, pretending the incident had not occurred, Jeqon watched as the auburn-haired woman skirted away to an older woman attending her child. His eyes daringly followed her until she was out of sight. He then returned his gaze toward Michael. Michael’s eyes also remained on the woman, but compassion filled them instead of Jeqon’s lust. 

“Coming down to the realm of men is not within your normal duties. You usually never leave Shemihazah’s side. Why are you here?” Michael asked, narrowing his eyes.

“What do you mean, Prince Michael? I was sent to observe the passing of one of man’s great leaders in order to give a report of it to Shemihazah. Since Asbel was not available, I was sent in his stead,” Jeqon replied with a well-rehearsed answer and a slight half-smile. Shemihazah would have normally sent Asbel, but Asbel had complained of more pressing matters in Habahrem. When Asbel suggested Jeqon come in his place, Jeqon jumped at the chance to return to the realm of men. It was not often he received such a wonderful opportunity.

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book one in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April. If you can’t wait to read it, you can purchase it now on Amazon!

14 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 14

As she spoke to Enosh, the visitor became completely captivated, his eyes slowly consuming her body, taking notice of its form and loveliness as a whole. He lingered until she turned to leave and then followed her into the courtyard. The woman made her way to a tree, trying to avoid the crowd as it flowed into the space before emptying onto the street. Leaning her shoulder against its rough bark with her head cocked upward and to the side and her lips moving in silent prayer, her hair fell away exposing her neck.

The stranger looked around then slipped over to the shadows behind her. Mesmerized by the beauty, he reached out as though to stroke the back of her neck and shoulders, wanting to feel the soft smooth skin. Instantly, a strong hand seized his forearm, preventing it from reaching the intended target. The stranger abruptly noticed another dressed in thick, robes, standing next to him underneath the tree.

“Jeqon, what a surprise to see you here,” the man spoke in kind voice that was forceful enough to be demanding.

Jeqon looked first at the hand that restrained him and then surveyed the rest of the body of the one holding him. In this close proximity, he had to crane his neck slightly backward to look at the other’s face because looking straight ahead gave him only a view of his chest. The locks of hair creeping out from his hood resembled gold strands, and his eyes were silver ice. His hood remained on his head but was not drawn down over his eyes for he had nothing to hide. His soft voice, elegant and regal, was almost as if a trumpet were blowing somewhere. Without looking up, Jeqon could have easily identified who spoke since he had heard the voice so many times before.

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book one in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April. 

13 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 13

Enosh wrapped both his hands around his father’s, pressing them to his forehead, and wept. The others began to mourn, not holding back the tears of losing one that was so beloved. Only the two rulers, accustomed to seeing the passing of life, were solemnly silent. No tears formed to flow down their face. They knew Seth lived as long a life as one could expect.

Everyone’s face was somber except that of the stranger. He remained unchanged at the actual event of Seth’s passing; it was not of special significance to him. His focus was on the crowd, and he positioned himself away from the shadows to better observe them. A man left the room to inform those outside that Seth was now dead. Those gathered in the room composed themselves knowing that others waited outside to witness the passing of this great man. They gave their sympathy to the close family and filed out while others entered the room. All the people moved slowly in small groups of forty, each responding in his and her own way to the loss, and then giving assurance to Enosh that their allegiance was with him now that he would be governing them. 

The stranger continued watching the people: hoods removed as they entered and replaced as they left. Then he noticed the women who had caught his eye earlier. No longer carrying the child, she stopped in front of the family to pay her respects. Her unhooded hair was like a beautiful crowning flame.

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book 1 in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April. 

12 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 12

“All of this persists even though it was not the way things were designed to be. It is as if a small stone began a voyage down to the bottom of the mountain with my parents’ first defiance, and now it is becoming a landslide. There will come a time -there must come a time when things will need to be set right. Evil can not and will not go unchecked. The vision my father and I received shows that.

“A time is coming when there will be strong trials for all people. They will have to stand firm or fall. We live in a time where keeping ourselves apart from others protected our hearts for the most part, but this age is ending. Even now sin is knocking at our door.” For a moment it seemed as if Seth’s gaze did not merely pass over the stranger, but lingered on him, meeting his eyes, and reading deep into his soul. The stranger flinched, and the moment passed. Seth’s eyes and speech continued on, “Be sure my brothers, my friends, to keep yourself in line with what is right and do not let sin become master over you.”

Seth leaned back against his pillows and closed his eyes. The crowd began whispering again. Suddenly, his closed eyes opened and traveled quickly around the room. After one sweep, he quietly addressed Enosh, Kenan, and Mahalalel. “There is one last warning I must give you before I leave... We are not the only intelligent creatures created... There are other beings… messengers, which were created, too. They were tasked with watching over mankind. But beware… not all of them do the work that they were gifted to do... Some of them are bent on evil. We all know the one who encouraged our parents in their sin…” Seth’s voice started to weaken, as if he could barely get enough air out to produce the words. Even more slowly and quietly, he said, “Be careful not to be deceived by those… They seek to ruin humanity. They come speaking with silver tongues, but in the end… in the end… they shall only bring destruction.” With this, Seth breathed his last.

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book 1 in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April. 

11 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 11

“Yes, I remember father,” Enosh said impatiently. “You have told me since I was bounced on your knee that the earth will be judged. I learned all Adam’s prophecies from the time I could first speak. But even you admit the people of Siriad are still a good people. God will spare those faithful to Him. Do not worry yourself with this. These things won’t happen in our lifetimes.”

“I don’t know when they will be my son,” Seth reprimanded him gently, “but I know they will come. Not so many will be saved as you expect. I saw it all.”

At this, the people in the crowd began to whisper to each other. The robed figure observed the crowd in front of him, noting the panic on their faces and the anxiety of their speech. His own face was expressionless as he continued to witness the events that were unfolding in the room.

Seth interrupted, leaning forward from his pillows to quiet them with the urgency in his voice, “Please, listen. I have more to say and not much time.” He took a few deep breaths as if the exertion of getting their attention was almost too much for his dying lungs and then continued,  “We all know things have changed and continue changing for the worse. The okale in the wild lands turned to bloodlust quickly and other creatures have followed this violent path. Men are fighting amongst each other for sport. You all know what happened when Cain allowed sin to master him. It became the death of a brother I never knew.” At this, those present either shook their heads in sorrow or nodded in agreement.

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book 1 in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April. 

10 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 10

 “Sometimes men are told when it is their time to pass.” Seth replied, simply. He paused again to collect his thoughts. “When I woke up this morning, I knew that it would be my last awakening. It was if the Almighty Himself spoke and told me of the things to come. This revelation allowed me to glimpse the toils of the future, but also the things my father had told of the past were confirmed.” 

Seth looked out into the small gathering that was present to make sure all were listening carefully, and then he focused on those closest to his bed before continuing.

“There was a time,” Seth said with certainty, “when everything in the world lived in peace. This was before the Fall… before darkness entered the hearts and minds of men. Since that time, things have been diminishing into greater decay. Here in Siriad, my father taught us to follow the ways of the God who created us. Although we have had our tribulations, the world beyond our territory has been getting worse even more quickly than it has here. We have all heard of or dealt with the raiders of Nod, but other cities have fallen into vanities and lusts. They believe they are following the rules of sacrifice, but it is a mere ritual. They are not performing their duty with their hearts.” Seth eyes bled sorrow for the errors of his distant relatives. Then they closed, and he seemed to sleep. After a brief silence, he opened his eyes and continued, “It will grow worse until the time when the Almighty brings His wrath upon this earth.”

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book 1 in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April. 

09 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 9

Kenan, with the blush still on his cheeks, nodded his head and replied, “I shall.”

Seth then looked beyond Kenan. Unlike the others surrounding the bed, his features showed no signs of age. His blue eyes showed slight sorrow, but still twinkled with the passion and persistence of youth. His firm skin stretched over his face in an even medium brown tone. Chocolate brown hair covered his head and firm jaw.

“Mahalalel, you have grown into a strong man. You have been a great help in keeping our people safe from the dangers that lurk outside these walls. Continue in this so that our people can live in peace and not fear.” At this, Seth’s face turned from one of gentleness to one that was deeply troubled.

Surprised, Mahalalel quickly questioned him, “Do you think this task will be too great for me grandfather? Are you worried that I will fail to do as you have asked?”

“No, no, Mahalalel it is not that,” Seth reassured him. “It is a vision that I had as I slept last night… a vision that my father told me he had received as well.”

“You mean the Vision of Judgment?” Enosh asked, slightly alarmed.

“Yes,” Seth nodded. “For the past few days, I felt my time on this earth growing to a close. I knew my father received an important vision before he left. That is the reason why I summoned as many to my presence as I could.”

“But father,” Enosh interjected, “you were fine a few days ago. I would not have guessed until this last hour you would be leaving us.”

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book 1 in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April. 

08 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 8

Both men smiled sadly and gave a slight dip of their heads in agreement as Seth continued. “You have helped in governing the other two great cities of Siriad, and now, I ask that you would help my son Enosh in this responsibility. You were chosen by my father to lead because you are men who revere the ways of the Almighty and have not run to other lands in search of greatness. Although your grandfather was taken before his time, you have remained humble and have ruled justly. Please, help my son to do the same. Keep our cities in counsel together and continue to follow the ways of righteousness.”

The two men again nodded. Amos, the elder, replied, “We shall do all that is in our power to help your son as long as we have breath in our nostrils.”

Seth smiled, knowing he could trust his nephews with this duty. Then, he returned his gaze to the man kneeling next to Enosh. His chocolate brown hair retained its color, but his beard was losing the battle to grey. His beige skin showed only a few signs of aging with a wrinkle here and there, but energy still vibrated from his mournful light green eyes. Behind them was a man who saw the traditions as pillars of life and upheld them without complaining.

“Kenan, my grandson, help your father and learn from him. You have been given the ability to organize efficiently. Use it to make sure that the city is run resourcefully and the people are able to have the things they need. You also are good at designing and constructing things. Thank you for planning the layout for the expanded city, as well as overseeing the crafting of the roads and the walls.” Kenan began to blush at the praise. “Continue to use these gifts in service to your people and as a service to the Almighty.”

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book 1 in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April.