
05 November 2014

Following the battle of Thoheleth

The time span between the first and second book is great. The following blog posts will be covering the time, people, and events between book 1 and book 2. This post will cover the transitions that have been taking place in Siriad.

Following the battle of Thoheleth, Enosh allows Yavin the extract the knowledge from the stolen reader with Alliyz's help. Under Enosh's rule, only knowledge useful in the defense of Siriad is allowed to be implemented. As time passes, Enosh and Shamgar pass away and replaced by their sons. Under the leadership of Kenan, Yavin is commissioned to start implementing more of the readers knowledge. Siriad slowly begins to transform to becoming like the rest of Eden in it's technology. By the time book 2 begins, Siriad's cities are becoming nearly as advanced as the other cities from book 1.

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