
31 July 2014

Watchers, Nephilim, and Addiyrben Part II

The Nephilim

The Nephilim, or pure bloods as they are sometimes referred, are the first born children to the Watchers. They are half angelic and half human. They retain some of the abilities of their fathers to control matter around them, but nowhere near the extent of the Iyr. They are more known for their extraordinary strength, lightning quickness, speed and endurance. They posses the sharp features of their fathers (pointed ears, chiseled face, slender, muscular form)

The Nephilim mature much quicker  than humans physically, only taking 1/3 the time to reach adulthood. Mentally and emotionally though, they are similar to adolescents. They are selfish and arrogant and many, because of their upbringing, are wicked and heartless. All the Nephilim are male with the exception of one, and many look similar to humans, except the sharp features.

Some though, have other attributes that passed from their fathers. For example, the lone female has a lighter skeletal mass and wings similar to an owl. Another possesses the traits similar to a satyr, because his father preferred a similar form. Yet another has traits similar to a doppelganger. Because of these attributes and their bravery in battle, they receive the title of heroes of old, and men of renown. (Gen. 6:4)

What men do not know, though, is that the Nephilim have a dark secret that they and their fathers have kept from the inhabitants of Eden. Something that will bring a rein of terror upon mankind.

28 July 2014

Watchers, Nephilim, and Addiyrben Part I

The Watchers

The watchers, or Iyr (Hebrew for watcher-angel) as they are referred to by those of Razmadda, are angels that are charged with keeping the records and deeds of men. They are separated into those who actually do the observing or "watching" and those who are tasked with recording it and managing those who operate in Eden.

Some of these angels believe they are greater than man. They were irritated that they had to keep watch of mankind and to do the Almighty's work protecting humans. With the rebellion of the fallen Cherub of the Garden, these angels became bolder. Eventually, the seeds of rebellion spread throughout Heaven.

This is where a Seraph named Shemihazah and those angels on his council are introduced. They felt that their lives were ones of enslavement and longed to be "free" to do whatever they wanted. One of their desires was the "helper" that man was given: women. For clarity, after the angels rebel, those in open rebellion become Iyr, while those still with God are the Watchers.

With the exception of Shemihazah, Iyr have human-like characteristics. Being a Seraph, Shemihazah possesses the head of an eagle. (Halel or Satan also has unique features.) They are distinctly different, though, because they are taller than the average man and have very sharp, chiseled features. In my mind, they resemble many depictions I have seen of elves.

All the Iyr have incredible strength, speed, and senses. They also have the ability to affect the environment around them due to their ability to manipulate matter at the molecular level. This ability gives the impression that they have magical powers. They do not sleep, and they have no need for food but require large amounts of concentrated light to maintain their abilities and strength. This is why one of the first technologies developed in Razmadda was the large crystal light converters that peak all of the Iyr's palaces. These crystals concentrate light to nearly the amounts needed to emulate the light they were used to in the heavenly realm. 

With their trade-off of knowledge for wives they soon posses enormous influence over the affairs of those who have succumbed to their temptation.

24 July 2014

The Apex

The Apex is a giant meeting platform that exists in the earth's atmosphere in the heavenly realm. Because Heaven is highly organized (think giant ant mound), some angels have the job of observing or watching those on earth, some angels have the job of collecting and recording the information. The Apex is where both types of angels meet to exchange the information.

There are also other organizational levels of angelic hierarchy. There are messengers that interact with humans and God, there are interpreters that interpret the gathered information, and there are councils that determine when to notify the hierarchy above them and when to apply to take action on human issues.

21 July 2014

The Spiritual Realm

When angels are in the Spiritual realm in the Heavenly realm (anywhere beyond the earth's atmosphere), they are in Heaven. When angels are on earth and they are in the Spiritual realm, they can observe both Spiritual and Physical beings. However, it is sometimes difficult to tell which is which. If an angel switches between Physical and Spiritual realms, he suddenly appears or disappears to those in the Physical realm, and he twinkles or glimmers to those in the Spiritual realm so they are recognizable. Hence, changing forms in front of someone identifies the changer as an angel.

Angels who exist in the Spiritual form on earth can usually identify other angels in the Spiritual form even if they do not know them. However, this is an acquired skill and not perfect– not all angels have it.

Angels in the Spiritual realm can interact with things in the Physical realm if they will it. They can speak through telepathy (although the person hearing it may think it is a real voice), cause “unnatural” things to occur (magic), and through spirit possession cause people to have unnatural abilities.

18 July 2014

The Earthly Realm

The earthly realm is the physical world inhabited by humans. It overlaps the heavenly realm, but there is a clear division between the two. Although some aspects of the heavenly realm are visible in the earthly realm - for example light flows that angels use to travel are what we see as stars, star clusters, nebulae, and galaxy formations are actually angelic, multi-planetary cities, and black holes are the places in the heavenly realm that are empty - what humans see is more like a dirty smudge compared to what is seen in the heavenly realm. Also, note that some aspects of the heavenly realm cannot be seen, per se, such as the Apex, but they do exhibit physical phenomena that can be measured in our world.

16 July 2014

The Heavenly Realm

The heavenly realm is the area in space where heaven exists. The heavenly realm extends from the surface of the earth into the heavens. When angels open tears and stairways descend from the Apex, they are entering the heavenly realm. They can only exist in the spiritual realm when in the heavenly realm. If they enter the physical realm, they either appear in outer space or somewhere on earth. They cannot observe what is happening on earth or in the physical realm when they are in the heavenly realm. (God, however, can observe the actions of both realms at the same time, just as He can exist in all realms at the same time – Jesus/ Spirit/ Father).

14 July 2014

The Physical Realm

The physical realm can exist in Heaven (outer space) or on earth. Humans must exist in the physical realm until they die; then they enter the spiritual realm. Their spirit and physical bodies are connected to each other prior to death. A body without a spirit cannot live. A spirit without a body can.

When angels enter the physical realm, they can no longer observe what is occurring in the spiritual realm. When in the physical realm, they have a physical body, but it is not like our bodies. It does not grow old or die – hence they can travel in outer space without air, they do not have to eat or sleep on earth. However, angels need light in order to generate energy. This is a requirement whether they are existing in either the physical or spiritual realms. An angel, deprived of light, eventually becomes equal to a human in strength and endurance. The only way to 'kill' an angel in the physical realm is by severing the angel's spirit from its physical body using an angelic blade. Angelic blades are also the only weapons that can damage an angel's physical or spiritual body.

Although angels existing in the spiritual realm on earth can pass through physical objects, they can influence physical things. They can possess people, and they can also create audible voices in people's heads. Angels in the spiritual realm can see and hear what is happening in the physical realm. '

Angels do not see things in the spiritual realm on earth the same way. 'Seeing' in the earthly spiritual realm is more of a sensing. It allows angels to know where other angels are while seeing the physical objects as they exist. Some angels, especially those that exist in this realm continuously, are better at this than others.

11 July 2014

The Four Realms

There are four realms that angels and man move throughout in Eden: the Heavenly Realm, the Earthly Realm, the Physical Realm, and the Spiritual Realm.

The Heavenly Realm and Earthly Realm are physical divisions. The Physical Realm and the Spiritual Realm are more based on what the human eyes see versus what angellic eyes see.

09 July 2014

The Language: Part II

Aside from having terms from ancient languages to distinguish between different creatures and items in the book, language is used to show closeness or distance from God.

In heaven, the angels speak in complete sentences sprinkled with Hebrew. They do not use contractions or slang. Their speech is "pure" to represent the purity of God that rubs off on them when they are in his presence. Some angels, who are severing their link with the Almighty, may already be developing the cracks in speech that will become prevalent later in the book.

On earth, the people of Siriad use contractions and some slang, but they still speak in complete sentences. They are not in God's presence, but they are trying to remain close to him.

In the rest of Eden, people use less grammatically correct speech. After the Iyr arrive, their speech falls into greater decline. However, even the Iyr begin to lose their perfect speech as they remain in this world, banned from the presence of God.

07 July 2014

The Language: Part I

Most of The Lost Histories of Eden is written in English (although we hope it will eventually be translated to may other languages). However, we have drawn on several other languages that we feel played a prominent role in the original language of earth (whatever that was). Hebrew, of course, becomes the language of Heaven. Sumerian is the language of Eden. Sanskrit is the language of the Iyr.

What was the original language of Eden? We may never know. However, we felt that there needed to be some distinction between the origins of items within Eden. How to tell the difference between a God-created dinosaur and one created genetically by the Iyr? It's all in the name.

05 July 2014


There are many words in The Corruption that have been borrowed from ancient languages: Sumerian, Hebrew, and Sanskrit. However, we do not have a glossary at the end of this book.


Well, because this book is a series. The first three books: The Corruption, The Tribulation, and The Judgement makes up the Age of the Watchers. This series follows the reigns of Enosh, Kenan, and Jared. It begins with a prologue and it will end with an epilogue. At the very end of the trilogy will be a glossary for the reader's convenience, but we aren't there yet.

Structurally, we are following the Lord of the Rings. Yes, the prologue is a little slow - but have you ever read the prologue for the Hobbit? Feel free to skip it if it is dragging you down. It is Jennifer's nod to literary fiction by creating a frame story. The first seven chapters of The Corruption detail the angelic events, then the action switches to Siriad. Expect the other books to mirror this because we want to follow both the angels and humans during this time.

Once the Age of the Watchers is complete, we have a second series planned (The Age of the Nephilim). This series will be structurally different from the first. These are the Methuselah Diaries, and will follow him as he roams the earth hunting Nephilim. We have not decided on an official name for these yet. For people who prefer one-sided stories, these will be the books for you. They will be written entirely in Methuselah's point of view but span from Enoch to Noah.

We are not the only ones to place a glossary at the end of the trilogy instead of the end of the book. Our words will not change. However, just for reference, know that you are not missing much. Things that have ancient names are primarily: foods, animals, measurements, and people.