
21 July 2014

The Spiritual Realm

When angels are in the Spiritual realm in the Heavenly realm (anywhere beyond the earth's atmosphere), they are in Heaven. When angels are on earth and they are in the Spiritual realm, they can observe both Spiritual and Physical beings. However, it is sometimes difficult to tell which is which. If an angel switches between Physical and Spiritual realms, he suddenly appears or disappears to those in the Physical realm, and he twinkles or glimmers to those in the Spiritual realm so they are recognizable. Hence, changing forms in front of someone identifies the changer as an angel.

Angels who exist in the Spiritual form on earth can usually identify other angels in the Spiritual form even if they do not know them. However, this is an acquired skill and not perfect– not all angels have it.

Angels in the Spiritual realm can interact with things in the Physical realm if they will it. They can speak through telepathy (although the person hearing it may think it is a real voice), cause “unnatural” things to occur (magic), and through spirit possession cause people to have unnatural abilities.

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