
18 April 2014

Chapter 1: April 18


Jeqon stormed through the streets outside the villa before regaining his composure and calming his anger. He thought about returning to Shemihazah instantly, but at the same time, he did not want to depart this newly forbidden land, yet. Michael might have ordered him to leave, but he did not have to jump at Michael’s command like a slave.

The line of mourners stretched like a long stream before him. Families clustered together, but all waited patiently for their turn to give respect to the passed leader’s relatives. Jeqon smirked to himself; he could not believe how naïvely they waited. What was Seth but a mere mortal who, like all men, was forced to succumb to death’s icy grip? This same fate would overtake them all, and yet they wasted the little time they had on this earth standing around to see a corpse. Then what would they do? They would pledge allegiance to Seth’s son as though they had a real choice about such matters. Jeqon continued toward the edge of the city, believing that his point of arrival was just as good of a place as any for departing. 

Following the overlong line, Jeqon decided that those on the hillside must have backtracked though the city in order to get a place in the line. He covered the distance at a pace sped by the anger within him, snaking along with it all the way back to the bridge. He noticed that the wind had become more biting while he had been inside. As it whipped the cloaks of those in the line without touching his own, Jeqon felt even more superior. The drizzle of discontent grew into a storm with each step. Look at that, he thought, they can’t even keep out a little wind.

The entire first chapter of The Corruption – Book one in The Age of the Watchers – will be published on this blog throughout the month of April.

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